Childhood Cancer Facts
Did you know…
Cancer is the #1 disease killer in children under the age of 15.
15,780 children will be diagnosed in the US this year.
Childhood cancer is not one disease but is made up of a dozen types and countless subtypes.
The average age of diagnosis of childhood cancer is 6 years old.
Survival rates for all types of childhood cancer is over 80%.
The most common type of cancer in children is Leukemia.
Treatment for Leukemia is 2 ½ years for girls and 3 ½ years for boys.
Despite improvements in cure rates the number of diagnosed cases annually has not declined in 20 years.
60% of all childhood cancer survivors will suffer from late effects such as: diabetes, learning difficulties, infertility, heart failure and secondary cancers.

“From getting over the shock of diagnosis, to helping with school and ongoing medical issues, Kids Cancer Foundation has been a Godsend to our family after our son’s Leukemia diagnosis. I can not say enough good things about this organization.”
— Natalie, Parent