“This foundation helps parents through this difficult time of there child's diagnosis & treatment. I have had the pleasure volunteering at numerous events & find enjoyment in helping these kids out!
— Barbara, Volunteer & Nurse
Volunteers are the backbone of the Kids Cancer Foundation.
There are many ways you can volunteer.
For more information on volunteering, please contact:
Lisa Armstrong
Volunteer Coordinator
E: lisa@kidscancersf.org
P: (708) 254-0217
“The Kids Cancer Foundation is a beacon of light for the kids and families who are dealt this devastating blow of a diagnosis. Help and support don't adequately portray what they do.
Financial assistance, help with navigating the medical maelstrom they are in, respite for kids and families at the Center are all part of the services they provide. I'm happy and proud to be part of the group of people who contribute to the efforts of making this fight a little easier.”
— Barbara, Volunteer
“Love volunteering my time. Every event I do, I always get back more than I put forth.”